how to deploy hadoop workflow environment with shell on centos7¶
download tarball
you can download tarball from here.
hadoop and hive come from apache, oozie and sqoop come from hortonworks.
ls hadoop.tar.gz ips cat ips content
#!/bin/bash if [ -z $(pidof mysqld) ];then echo "please manually install the mysql5.7 master-slave service and create user=chenshi(" exit 0 fi if [ ! -s /root/ips ];then echo "please write ip addresses of servers into ips file" exit 0 fi if [ -e /etc/yum.repos.d/local.repo ];then yum install expect pssh -y else yum install epel-release -y && yum install expect pssh -y fi if [ ! -e /root/.ssh/id_rsa ];then /usr/bin/expect <<- EOF spawn ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 expect ":" send "\n" expect ":" send "\n" expect ":" send "\n" expect eof EOF fi if [ ! -e /root/.ssh/authorized_keys ];then echo “please input passwords of servers:” for i in $(cat ips);do ssh-copy-id -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no $i done fi change_hostname(){ ips=$(cat ips|wc -l) for i in `seq 1 $ips`;do pssh -H $(sed -n "$i"p ips) -l root hostnamectl set-hostname hadoop$ echo hadoop$ >> slaves echo $(sed -n "$i"p ips) hadoop$ >> tmp done pscp.pssh -h ips -l root slaves tmp /tmp/ pssh -h ips -l root "cat /tmp/tmp >> /etc/hosts;rm -f /tmp/tmp" rm -f slaves tmp } if [ $(cat /etc/hosts|wc -l) -le 2 ];then change_hostname else echo "please check /etc/hosts file" exit 0 fi check_data_init(){ if [ $? -ne 0 ];then echo "$1 data initialization failed" exit 0 fi } pscp.pssh -h ips -l root hadoop.tar.gz /usr/local/ pssh -h ips -l root -t 300 "tar zxf /usr/local/hadoop.tar.gz -C /usr/local/;yes|mv /tmp/slaves /usr/local/hadoop/etc/hadoop/slaves;mkdir -p /data/{tmp,nn,dn};yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel -y;sed -i '12a export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/jre-1.8.0-openjdk/' /root/.bash_profile;sed -i '10c PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin:/usr/local/hadoop/bin:/usr/local/hadoop/sbin:/usr/local/hive/bin:/usr/local/oozie/bin:/usr/local/sqoop/bin' /root/.bash_profile;sed -i 's/^.*StrictHostKeyChecking.*$/StrictHostKeyChecking no/g' /etc/ssh/ssh_config" . /root/.bash_profile hdfs namenode -format check_data_init hdfs && schematool -dbType mysql -initSchema check_data_init hive hdfs dfs -mkdir -p /user/root/share/lib/ cd /usr/local/oozie/ sharelib create -fs hdfs:// -locallib oozie-sharelib.tar.gz create -sqlfile oozie.sql -run check_data_init oozie cd - pssh -h ips -l root ". /root/.bash_profile; start" sleep 30 if [ "$(oozie admin -oozie -status)" != "System mode: NORMAL" ];then echo "please check oozie service problem" fi echo "done,oozie file is in /usr/local/oozie/conf/"references: